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About - Anna Maria


Anna Maria Shenton -  born in a small village in Staffordshire, England experienced an interesting upbringing by her English father, and German mother.


Anna’s flair to create seems to  derive from a family trait. She has a late  famous local artist, Uncle Stan Richards, who painted and sold many beautiful paintings, often donating proceeds to air-ambulance.


Her late father Norman Richards enjoyed pencil/cartoonist drawing which he occasionally contributed to the Daily Mirror. Anna spent many hours watching him sketch with charcoal; hence, she also likes to dabble when not writing romance novels.


Her Late brother Steve Richards wrote his debut novel (Notes In The Margin) in Mumbai, which unfortunately is yet to be published.


 Last but not least Anna’s sister Ilona Richards writes a very popular frugal blog (Mean Queen) as well as creating  some wonderful arty craft works which she occasionally displays in galleries.


Thank you for reading my introduction, hope you enjoyed it.

 Writing novels and drawing pencil portraits seem to go hand in hand. I flit form one to the other. It makes enjoyable creative work.


I'm lucky enough not to be reliant on either as this is my happy space  where I can relax and get creative. I started  my first dog portrait for fun and posted on Facebook where a  friend  loved it and asked for me to draw her dog, Mickey, which I did and that's how it took off.


Many family members begged  me to draw there pets too. I was also invited  on a few author friend's blogs, where more commissions came in. So here I am. 


To see how it works, if you wish, click on the home dropdown menu or just pop over to my gallery to view a wonderful array of portraits.



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